- By Daniel McCrory
“Hubig’s Pies turn up on grocery shelves, in racks at hardware stores and even on restaurant dessert lists — try one twice fried at the walk-up Bayou Hot Wings (6221 S. Claiborne Ave., 865-9464; www.bayouhotwings.com).
More recently, they’ve also been turning up in pints of ice cream in grocery freezers. Savory Simon, the portly mascot of Hubig’s Pies, even rides shotgun on the label. Hubig’s Apple Pie is one of the latest in a raft of new flavors from New Orleans Ice Cream Co. (www.neworleansicecream.com), a five-year-old local company that seems determined to convert every conceivable sweet New Orleans flavor into an ice cream.” – TheAdvocate.com